Monday, January 7, 2008

Believing in Change

Last week I was welcomed by the Texas Democratic party as the nominee for the representative for Congress in District 31. The following day, over two hundred and thirty thousand democrats turned out to vote in the Iowa caucuses, catapulting Barack Obama, the youthful Senator from Illinois, into a sweeping first victory. A small state, with a population of less than three million people, sent a message not only to their fellow Democrats but to the entire nation that they are ready for change.

Champions of change exist throughout history as some of the world's greatest success stories. This does not always mean that they were the most popular choice initially. Without great adversity, there would be no great triumphs. People look at District 31 as a historically conservative district, where a Republican candidate is more likely to win. But as we saw in Iowa last week, Democrats and Independents are turning out in record numbers to prove that the 2008 election is going to be taken back by the people. In November, District 31 has the opportunity to send the same message as the Iowans did last week. This starts with every person in the community creating a message of hope and change with their neighbors. On Friday, over 100 people attended the Williamson County Democratic Party kickoff event, where I had the chance to speak to members of Williamson County about my platform and the improved standard of living that I pledge to create for the citizens of District 31.

The results in Iowa last week are more than just statistics and percentages. Iowa showed us that in 2008, the status quo in Washington, D.C. has the ability to change for the better. I ask for your support in this election so we can unite America and rise above partisanship together. Be a part of the message that Iowa started: we are ready for change.

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